
WTS Portland Mentorship Program – Call for applications!

We are excited to announce the return of the WTS Portland Chapter’s Mentorship Program for 2023/2024. We are accepting applicants for both mentor and mentee roles. The Program is open to all WTS Portland members. If you are not a member yet, here is a link to become a member.

Please use the links below to complete your application to participate as a mentor or mentee.

Click here to apply as a mentee

Click here to apply as a mentor


Application Deadline: August 31, 2023

Speed Dating to find your mentorship match: September 7, 2023 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm

We have an exciting program scheduled for this year! In addition to the one-one meetings with your mentor/mentee, this program will include:

  • Professional development sessions specific to the program attendees
  • A book for the Mentorship cohort book club
  • Happy Hours for networking with your Mentorship cohort
  • An opportunity to expand your network!

The program will conclude with a graduation ceremony at WTS Portland’s Annual Membership Event. 

Whether you are a mentor or a mentee, this program offers an unquantifiable opportunity to expand your network and your knowledge base.  Clarify and set goals, gain the benefits of an accountability partner and encourage each other. 

Questions? Contact our Mentorship Co-Chairs Camille [email protected] or Kara [email protected]