
Member of the Year

This award acknowledges a WTS-NC Triangle member who has made extraordinary contributions to the success of the organization. The member who has shown an extraordinary commitment to the goals and growth of WTS by working effectively in support of its goals. This member has promoted the reputation of WTS within the transportation industry and has worked effectively to strengthen communication  between local and international WTS levels or between chapters. This award honors a member who has done an outstanding job of  revitalizing or expanding a chapter or any of its functions. Please identify WTS activities this candidate has been involved in, including an explanation of how they’ve promoted the reputation of WTS within the transportation industry, expanded and worked effectively to strengthen communication between local and national levels, or between chapters.

*Please note that chapter executive board members are not eligible for member of the year

Woman of the Year

This category is designed to reach beyond WTS-NC Triangle membership to honor a woman who is an outstanding role model in transportation. This award is designed for a woman who is a leader in transportation, has made outstanding contributions to the transportation industry and has directly contributed toward the advancement of woman and minorities through programs or opportunities in the transportation field, and through her career achievements and support of women in the industry has advanced the reputation and credibility of women in transportation.

Employer of the Year

This award honors an organization (company, non-profit, association or government agency) for recruiting, retaining and advancing women. Please include a description of the organization’s structure, including the number of women in executive and senior positions and those leading major initiatives. Specify the career development plans and succession programs the organization has in place for women to advance within the organization and give example(s) of how the organization provides continuing development for its female employees through Professional education, Professional organizations, and/or Professional development opportunities. Provide example(s) of how the organization supports the goals and purpose of WTS through encouraging women students to enter the transportation field by providing  internship opportunities and has supported WTS as well as through memberships, sponsorships and employee involvement at the local or international levels.

Rookie of the Year

This award honors a professional who has been in the industry for less than 7 years, who during this time has made significant contributions to the industry and made a positive impact in their group/ company. This is awarded to a professional who has great promise as a future leader in the industry, has exceeded expectations in their field and is a current WTS Member.

Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership Award

The WTS Diversity Award recognizes either an organization(s) or individual(s) exhibiting extraordinary efforts or initiatives in facilitating professional opportunities for women and minorities. They have made significant contributions to promoting diversity, inclusion and multi-cultural awareness within their organization, the transportation industry, or in a project or activity that supports that goals and mission of WTS.

Innovative Transportation Solutions Award

This award salutes an innovative transportation project led by a woman. Describe the purpose of the transportation initiative, solution, project or policy and the number of women involved from initiation to completion. Identify the key elements of the project and how the female project manager successfully implemented those elements. Illustrate how the female project manager successfully met and overcame challenges. Explain how the project achieved its purpose.

Honorable Ray LaHood Award

This award was created to recognize a man who is a leader in transportation and has made an outstanding contribution to the transportation industry. This man who has directly contributed toward the advancement of women and minorities through programs or opportunities in the
transportation field. One who has led by example, seeking out opportunities to advance and advocate for women in his own organization, and who has actively ensured that women are able to compete for key positions of authority within that organization. This award will recognize a man who, through his career achievements and support of women in the industry, has advanced the reputation and credibility of women in transportation.

Community Activist/Organizer Award

This award honors a professional who is highly involved in one or more of the following: community service, charity work, any political/social activism that promotes the well-being of people, the responsible grow the of the industry, or being good stewards of our planet and its resources. This recognizes the individual professional that has a positive influence on the thoughts and actions of those around them, and through their activism has made a difference in the surrounding community.