Transportation YOU

About Transportation YOU

Transportation YOU is a mentoring program that offers girls aged 13-18 an introduction to a wide variety of transportation careers. Through the program, WTS works to spark interest in all modes of transportation and make a difference in the lives of young girls by offering programs and activities that will encourage them to take courses in math, science, and technology.

WTS Minnesota’s TYOU Program

WTS Minnesota kicked off its Transportation YOU mentorship program in fall 2012, partnering with the Center for Engineering, Mathematics, and Science (CEMS) at Blaine High School. Students and mentors meet monthly to do transportation-related programs. 

Transportation YOU Youth Summit

Thanks to the help of individual and corporate partners, WTS Minnesota will send one of this year’s student/mentor pairs to attend the national Transportation YOU Youth Summit in Washington, D.C. Twenty five students and mentors from around the country will gather for five days in June in the nation’s capital to participate in hands-on activities, tours, and meetings with policy-makers.

Become a Mentor

If you are interested in being a mentor, please contact Cassie Pinta or Megan Danielson.