WTS Cal Baptist University

The WTS California Baptist University (WTS-CBU) Student Chapter was founded in 2020. The Student Chapter's mission is to provide support and guidance to students in transportation. We strive to support our members' personal and professional growth by providing unique opportunities. WTS-CBU students have the opportunity to attend project site walks, leadership development workshops, student chapter meetings, and fundraising events while building relationships with industry leaders. It is our mission to engage and empower women in the transportation industry.

WTS-CBU Chapter Board

  • President: Valeria Villasenor
  • Vice President (Internal): Rebecca Acosta
  • Vice President (External): Emily Mitra
  • Secretary: Brittany Helfrich
  • Treasurer: Marcus Nguyen
  • Membership: John Mating
  • Public Outreach: Ashley Nicholas
  • CBU Advisor: Dr. Jung