Transportation YOU

Transportation YOU Inland Empire is a program to inspire girls to pursue an education and career in the STEM field. Our program strives to make a difference in the lives of young girls by offering support and activities that will spark their interest in all careers and modes of transportation.

Past Events

Transportation YOU had another successful annual Classroom to Career Event/Engineers’ Day on February 22nd, 2024. This event was co-hosted with ASCE San Bernardino-Riverside Younger Member Forum (SB-R YMF), Caltrans District 8, and the Girls Scouts of San Gorgonio. There were 100 Girl Scouts and 30 volunteers at the Caltrans District 8 Southern Regional Lab in Fontana. There were five technical tours & activities planned for the girls.

There was a Traffic Management Tour where the girls learned how California Highway Patrol and Caltrans respond to traffic incidents and emergencies on the state highway and got to see the base isolators under the building. For the Environmental Activity, they learned all about bats, how to spot them in structures, and even got to see a taxidermy collection. They learned about concrete tensile strength and the components of hot mix asphalt in the Southern Regional Lab, the uses and how to fly Drones, and how to build the tallest tower in the Infrastructure Activity.

We would like to thank all the companies and organizations that helped sponsor this year’s event!

WTS Transportation YOU event 2024