Girl Scouts Transportation YOU Program

From 2016 to 2018, the  Central PA Chapter partnered with the Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania for a monthly Transportation YOU program.  Our volunteers organized and led a monthly TYOU Girl Scout Club that focused on different transportation-related topics.  A big thank you goes out to all of our volunteers who helped make the program successful.

While the TYOU Girl Scouts Club programming commitment has come to a close, the Girl Scouts are looking forward to our Chapter's future involvement in the creation of transportation-specific programming materials that can be used by any troop linked to the Hearth of PA system and our participation in their annual STEM Expos.


Highway and Traffic Engineering - March 2018

Building an interchange
Building an interchange with cardboard roadways, dixie cup structures, 
and ramps made of string.


Structures and Bridges - May 2018

Testing bridge strength
Bridge building challenge:  The girls constructed 3 different
types of bridges (beam, arch, and suspension bridge), then 
load-tested them with cans to see which was the strongest.


Construction, Materials, and Geotechnical - April 2018

Making edible asphalt
Making their own handmade (edible) batch of asphalt.


Surveying and Mapping - June 2018

Testing out survey equipment
Trying out surveying equipment.