WTS Colorado Executive Board Addresses Social Injustice

As America at large is at a turning point, finally starting to understand the atrocities that our black communities have been facing for generations, we all need to reflect on how we have contributed to the systemic racism in our society and how we can push change forward. As an organization geared toward advancing women in our industry, it would be hypocritical to say we are fighting the good fight today without acknowledging the way organizations like ours, and the women's movement in general, have all too often been white centric and left out our Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) sisters. 

We at WTS Colorado are taking the time to thoughtfully determine the ways that we can become an anti-racist organization while we continue to support the advancement of women. We would like to encourage our membership to actively seek out ways to educate yourselves on the history of race both in America and in the women's movement. Below is a podcast that shares some of this history, if you are looking for somewhere to start. If you have thoughts or ideas on how to shape the future of WTS within the context of our world today, please reach out to Molly Veldkamp.


Thank you,

Your WTS Colorado Executive Board