WTS Central VA Summer/Fall Newsletter 2024

Summer & Fall Recap

The WTS Central Virginia Chapter has been very busy this summer and fall! We've had multiple professional development, networking, and educational events! Let's catch up! 

Richmond Leaders Inside the Beltway 

On April 15th, WTSCVA hosted an informative networking and educational event at the Capital Ale House. Jennifer Mitchell (Deputy Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration, Mariia Zimmerman (Strategic Advisor for Technical Assistance and Community Solutions, Office of the Secretary of Transportation), and Devon Barnhart (Principal, Capitol Transportation Consulting LLC) offered insight on their roles, career journeys, and experiences as women in leadership.

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State of Transportation: Transporting Change 

On May 29th, WTSCVA hosted our Annual Transportation event at Brambly Park. Former Director Jennifer DeBruhl, AICP, PMP (Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation), Commissioner Stephen Brich, PE (Virginia Department of Transportation), and Executive Director DJ Stadtler (Virginia Passenger Rail Authority) discussed how they keep "Transporting Change" for all modes of transportation across the Commonwealth. This event was graciously sponsored by HDR and Wallace Montgomery. 












Joint Social 

On June 26th, WTSCVA, ASCE, ASHE, APWA, and VA-SITE hosted a fun joint social networking event at Southern Railway Taphouse. Folks from multiple professional networks attended and enjoyed conversation about multiple transportation industry topics and appetizers! The event was a great success! 

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VDOT's 1-Day Conceptual Cost Estimating Course 

On July 24th, WTSCVA offered a class instructed by VDOT teaching the various steps of preparing a conceptual project cost estimate from determining the Purpose and Need all the way through to the Cost Estimate Package / CEWB. The course was designed and focused on professionals with 1 to 5 years of experience, charged with developing cost estimates for funding applications. VDOT staff instructed the course. It was well-attended and highly informative! Shout out to Timmons Group for hosting the event for WTSCVA! 

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Women Leaders: The Journey of Chessa Walker—Director of Chesterfield Co. Transportation Department

On August 15th, WTSCVA hosted a lunch event at the Midlothian Library where Chessa Walker discussed her career journey from the private sector to the public sector, culminating with being appointed Director of the Transportation Department at Chesterfield County. Chessa offered insight on the importance of professional development and discussed overcoming challenges with grace. This was a sell-out event and truly a great opportunity to hear directly from a female leader in the transportation industry. Out thanks to JMT and Volkert who served as the sponsors for this event. 

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WTS Central Virginia Recognition Awards

The WTSCVA Chapter hosted our annual Recognition Awards on September 24th at the Virginia War Memorial. This marquee event was an incredible event! We celebrated our award winners, relished in our Chapter's success so far for the year, and offered fun networking for our attendees. Our complete 2024 Recognition Award Winners include:
- Employer of the Year - Timmons Group
- Sponsor of the Year - Wallace Montgomery
- Member of the Year - Kaitlyn Jenkins, EIT
- Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership - The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA)
- Honorable Ray LaHood Award - Young Ho Chang, PE
- Innovative Transportation Solutions Award - ATCS, PLC
- Woman of the Year - Jennifer DeBruhl, AICP, PMP

It was a perfect evening honoring transportation industry professional at the top of their game and firms who support the overall mission of WTS! A huge thank you to our event sponsors, HDR and RK&K for their continued support of our Chapter! 

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Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on your inbox or check out our Events page and social media channels for details on the following upcoming events:

TransportationYOU Updates & How You Can Help

WTSCVA and our Transportation YOU committee had the opportunity to work with NextUp RVA and City of Richmond Public Schools to offer a program that introduced middle school girls to the wide variety of transportation careers. The program, held at Lucille M Brown Middle School, was a massive success! This school year, we’re excited to continue working with NextUp at Thomas Henderson Middle School. Transportation YOU, which focuses on outreach within the community to foster middle- and high-school girls’ interests in STEM and transportation, has also hosted student webinars and meet and greets with both students and teachers of the Greater Richmond area. For more information on Transportation YOU, please contact Savannah Amor Kappeler by emailing [email protected]

Thank you to our Sponsors

Each year, our Platinum and Benefactor sponsors go above and beyond to support not only our chapter, but also our local community and women across the transportation industry. We invite to use the links below to learn more about our sponsors by clicking here.

Central VA 24 Sponsors



Looking to Get more Involved?

Join a Committee

Make the most of your membership by joining one of our committees. Committees include communications, sponsorship, membership, programs, scholarship, and Transportation YOU. If you're interested in taking a more active role within the chapter, please contact our Chapter President, Stephanie VanDyke, at s[email protected].

Board Meetings

The WTS Central Virginia Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at noon via Zoom! To learn more about chapter business, upcoming events, and committee options, we invite you to check out a board meeting. Dial-in information is below:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6728450837

Meeting ID: 672 845 0837

Mobile +13052241968

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/keD4FZnKJe