WTS-Boston Virtual Program: Parenting During a Pandemic

Join WTS-Boston on Tuesday, December 8th as we welcome a panel of transportation professionals/working parents to find out how they’re dealing with balancing work demands and remote schooling during this unprecedented time.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online via Zoom

We hope to have a lively discussion as we learn about how our colleagues are surviving during this challenging time; what they’re doing to continue to grow in their careers; and what they see as the permanent changes that will come out of this pandemic. We also hope those joining will be able to learn and share some life hacks on how to survive physically and emotionally through these difficult times.


Our panelists are:

  • Jonathan Gulliver, Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Administrator
  • Jasmine Meadows, e-Builder System Administrator, MBTA
  • Theresa Carr, Senior Principal, Boston Office Lead, Nelson\Nygaard

The panel will be moderated by WTS-Boston Outreach Committee Co-Chair, Theresa O’Riorden.

Register Here

This is a free event for WTS members; non-members will be charged a nominal fee.

Kindly register by December 7.