WTS-Boston November Virtual Luncheon Seminar

Join WTS-Boston on November 12th for a conversation with Dr. Tracy Corley on the Case for Equity in Transit-Oriented Development in MA, with an emphasis on the Commonwealth's Gateway Cities.

Thursday, November 12, 2020
11:45am - 1:00pm
Online via Zoom

Dr. Corley is MassINC’s Transit-Oriented Development Fellow. She thrives on creating economic opportunities and sustainable livelihoods for people in our world’s metropolitan regions. She brings expertise in economic development, business, labor markets, architecture, law, and public policy to MassINC. As the TOD Fellow, she convenes political and community leaders to spur inclusive development in Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities.  

Register Here

Kindly register by November 10th.

Questions? Contact Amanda Alzaim at [email protected]