WTS-Boston Nominating Committee is Seeking Board Nominations

In accordance with WTS-Boston Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2022-2023 officer positions of Treasurer and Secretary and three Directors-at-Large positions. All five positions shall have two-year terms.


How To Apply

Criteria for selection of all candidates include: WTS membership and participation, leadership roles within the organization or place of employment, endorsement by employer, public/private balance on the Board, reflection of diversity of the membership, and the extent to which the slate reflects the overall goals and mission of WTS-Boston and WTS-International. Once a slate is approved, ballots will be mailed to all WTS-Boston members. 

If any of these positions are of interest to you, please complete the Nomination Form no later than 5:00 P.M. on September 27, 2021.

Apply Here

Position Responsibilities

WTS-Boston Secretary

The secretary must be a member in good standing and is responsible for upholding the mission of WTS–Boston in the management of the organization and the execution of its business. The secretary’s specific roles and responsibilities will include, but not be limited to:

  • Drafts and distributes an Agenda for each monthly Board Meeting
  • Forwards agenda, previous month’s meeting notes, treasurer’s report, and committee updates to the Chapter Leadership each month
  • Takes and distributes meeting notes at each scheduled monthly Board Meeting
  • Attends and votes at monthly Board Meetings
  • Drafts the letterhead at the beginning of each year with the new board and committee members and keeps the information current throughout the year
  • Maintains the Chapter Google Drive and access by leadership in Google Groups.
  • Creates and maintains a master calendar for all WTS events and other events of various organizations that we wish to avoid scheduling event conflicts
  • Maintains board/co-chair roster information
  • Coordinates the development of the Annual Report. Submits Annual Report to WTS International and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to maintain the organizations “good standing” status with the Commonwealth
  • Drafts quarterly reports for WTS International
  • Board liaison to Historian/Data Management Committee
  • Reviews weekly eblasts
  • Promotes and encourages growth of the WTS-Boston organization and the involvement of members
WTS-Boston Treasurer

The treasurer must be a member in good standing and is responsible for upholding the mission of WTS–Boston in the management of the organization and the execution of its business. The treasurer’s specific roles and responsibilities will include, but not be limited to:

  • Attend and vote at monthly Board Meetings
  • Prepare the monthly Treasurer’s Report for each Board Meeting
  • Record all expenditure/revenue/in-kind donations to the appropriate committee and budget line item
  • Deposit all revenue and write checks for reimbursement in a timely manner. While the Treasurer writes checks, they do not have check signing authority. The checks must be signed by the President.
  • Balance the checkbook and electronic checkbook file (Quicken) monthly
  • Track scholarship funds received to make sure they are properly accounted for and deposited in the WTS Foundation and Boston Charitable Fund
  • Prepare annual tax form (Form 990), forward to International for filing
  • Prepare end- of- year financial report for annual report
  • Prepare annual yearly budget, seeking input from Committee Chairs in the fall for the next year’s budget
  • Participate as Chair/Co-Chair of the WTS Finance Committee
  • Promote and encourage growth of the WTS-Boston organization and the involvement of members
WTS-Boston Director-at-Large

The Director must be a member in good standing and is responsible for upholding the mission of WTS-Boston in the management of the organization and the execution of its business. The Director is also responsible for representing one or more standing committees to the WTS Board of Directors. The Director’s specific roles and responsibilities will include, but will not be limited to:

  • Attend and vote at the meetings of the Board of Directors
  • Promote and encourage the growth of the WTS-Boston organization and the involvement of the members
  • Represent one or more committees to the Board of Directors
  • Delegate responsibility and provide support to committee chairs
  • Report relevant business of the Board of Directors to the committee chairs and vice versa
  • Submit periodic updates on committee activities at Board meetings
  • Submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors on behalf of the committee(s)
  • Meet with the committee chairs at the beginning of each calendar year to establish the goals for the year
  • Review the committee’s articles and event registration information for eblasts before submitting to the President and Vice President for review
  • Review the committee’s section for inclusion in the WTS annual report
  • Attend at least two (2) committee meetings per year
  • Take leadership roles for special initiatives as needed. Examples: Nominations Committee, scholarship application evaluations
  • Promoting the mission of WTS to attract, sustain, connect and advance women’s careers to strengthen the transportation industry