Spotlight: 2022 Woman of the Year Candace Huff

Candace Huff

Congratulations to WTS Metropolitan Phoenix's 2022 Woman of the Year, Candace Huff. Candace is the Deputy Aviation Director with the City of Phoenix. We asked her a few questions about her journey and what keeps her going:

In a male-dominated industry, what motivated you to pursue a career in transportation and construction?

I have always been interested in engineering and proficient in math and science.  I think that led me to an education focused on “technical based” professions.  I used to help my father with “fix-it tasks around the house and also would work on my car (change brakes, oil, etc. before they became computer-focused.  My father was a bridge construction engineer and would take us to his jobs to watch the progress of work.  He also encouraged and supported me in pursuing an engineering degree.

What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment in advancing women?

The biggest accomplishment in advancing women has been my involvement with WTS and the several times I was part of the mentoring program.  I also look to provide women opportunities in the work we perform on a regular basis with the City of Phoenix and the Aviation Department.  I try to empower the women I work with and provide professional avenues to advance them with the work we accomplish.

What has been your favorite project to work on?

I have two- First has been my most recent project – the Terminal 4 S1 Concourse and Apron project.  It has ever aspect of transportation and engineering involved with the project.  Building (structure along with all of the building elements), Apron (concrete available to park aircraft), and aviation elements that connect our city to the rest of the world through transportation.  The second project was a project I worked on following my graduation with my engineering degree.  That was the I-90 Floating Bridge in Seattle, Washington.  The pontoon structure elements were constructed in graving docks away from Lake Washington and then floated through Puget Sound into Lake Washington where they were connected and anchored into place.  A once-in-a-lifetime experience.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

Spend time connecting with my kids, cooking, exercising, reading, work on projects.  My children are located out of state so we spend time on the weekends catching up.  My daughter is now in the Seattle area so we talk about Seattle happenings.  My son is a professional baseball player for the Texas Rangers so we spend many hours watching baseball when it’s available.

What would your superpower be and why?

Not sure if flying would be a superpower but if it were that would be mine because I could then fly quickly when I want to visit my kids.