South Florida Chapter Sponsor Spotlight: Commuter Services

Sponsor Spotlight: South Florida Commuter Services (SFCS)

Sponsorship Level: Diamond


Commuter Services Logo

South Florida Commuter Services (SFCS) is a program of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) which provides financial and technical assistance to promote alternatives to commuters driving alone.  SFCS and FDOT programs seeks to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in South Florida through a variety of transportation demand management (TDM) strategies. SFCS services Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, and Indian River counties.

SFCS’ primary activities involve advocating for and highlighting the benefits of carpooling, vanpooling, working from home, flexible work schedules, mass transit, bicycling, walking, guaranteed ride home program, and park & ride facilities. SFCS takes an active role in working with employers, universities, and governments across the broad spectrum of South Florida’s commuters.  With key partnerships throughout the region, SFCS has implemented policy initiatives, workplace employer programs, and commuter incentives.

Since the program’s inception in 2002, SFCS prides itself on having a very diverse staff who reach out to numerous communities to expand their transportation options and open opportunities. All of the programs we offer to the commuters within our region are completely free and focus on providing a quality service for everyone to benefit from. We strive to make our transportation systems more safe, reliable, and efficient for women, men, and children throughout South Florida.