Program Highlights: Major Projects – How Women Lead the Way

On August 25, WTS-Los Angeles luncheon and panel discussion on Major Projects – How Women Lead the Way, sponsored by WTS-LA Corporate Partner Stantec. 

Moderated by Mike Pearce, Sr. Construction Manager, Stantec, the panel consisted of the following leaders: 

  • Rose Casey, Director, Highway Programs, Orange County Transportation Authority
  • Sharlane Bailey, Director of Capital Projects and Facilities, Foothill Transit
  • Jenny Cristales-Cevallos, Senior Director, Countywide Planning, Mobility Corridors, LA Metro
  • Danielle Libring, Program Manager, RailPros

Panelists discussed seeking and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise, including leading multidisciplinary teams, taking on project management responsibilities, working on high-profile projects, and switching career focus. Often hard work and good judgement - skills you can't teach - are noticed. Recognize and step up when others identify you for additional responsibility.  All spoke of the importance of delivering on commitments and honing communication and problem-solving skills. 

A few pieces of advice included: 

  • You can never have too many mentors
  • Know who your advocates are.
  • Be positive, enthusiastic
  • You have qualities that are not teachable
  • Throw your name out for opportunities. 
  • Act as if you are already working at the next level. 

Finally, Rose, Sharlane, and Jenny discussed some some current and upcoming project opportunities. 

Link to photos.