Don't Miss the WTS-Boston New Member Orientation

You are invited to attend WTS-Boston's New Member Orientation. This event will give our members the opportunity to meet with WTS-Boston Leaders and learn about ways to get the most value from your membership. Whether you joined within the past year or are a longstanding member and want to get more involved with WTS, we would love to see and hear from you. 

This informative evening of networking will include an icebreaker, brief presentation from WTS-Boston Leaders, and breakout rooms. Breakout rooms will be determined by which committees you choose. Please check out the WTS-Boston Membership Brochure to learn about each committee.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Virtual via Zoom

Register Here

All members are welcome to attend this free event. Please register by August 10, 2021.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Heather Audet at 781-562-9859 or [email protected]