Letter from Paula Hammond, WTS Chair

Dear WTS Community,  

It is an honor to be serving as your 2020-2022 Chair of the WTS International Board of Directors.  I start this term during unique and challenging times that have already impacted the way we work, connect, and communicate.  Our transportation industry will look different tomorrow than it does today, and we as an industry are responsible for how we respond to these changing and challenging demands.  That is why the WTS mission is more important than ever, as we look to a diverse workforce to solve a diverse set of needs. We are ever grateful for the support our corporate partners continue to give and know that by working together we can achieve the future in transportation that we desire. 

The strategic priorities I have set for WTS International for my term as International Board Chair reflect this every-changing environment we are in.  They are ambitious- however, seeing the resilience and the mobilization of our industry in this unprecedented environment has made it clear that our industry is prepared for the challenge.  

Supporting Members and WTS Chapters  

The communities and relationships built at the chapter level are what makes WTS so impactful. It is here that thriving chapters support and empower members, through peer support and comradery, mentorship, technical training, and by serving on a committee or board, a meaningful leadership experience.  One of the most rewarding things to see is  young professionals rising in their career and mentoring other women—WTS is all about giving back.   

At the International level, two-way communication will inform the ways in which we serve chapters and identify opportunities to achieve mutual goals. Likewise, International will continue to utilize the leadership and skills of each Region Council to impact entire regions across North America. Newly implemented WTS systems will support local and regional leadership of which we will continue building to ensure long-term efficiency and connectivity.  

Strengthening Strategic Partnerships  

Mirroring the importance of relationships at the member level, International will continue to place a high value on strategic partnerships. They are essential to our mission to recruit, retain and advance women in transportation. Together we can address workforce challenges of the present and future, guided by a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity. Collaborating with allied associations and corporate partners on programs and initiatives will supercharge the work we do at WTS.   

Leading the Industry  

WTS will employ our resources and skills to set the industry standard for what the workforce should look like, one that is inclusive of women at all levels, rich in diversity and has the best minds prepared to lead us to transportation of the future. Our work has and will continue to serve all communities and enrich their quality of life and economic vitality.  

I will work closely with the WTS Foundation Board to support its three pillars: scholarship, education and research. In addition, WTS International will offer new leadership and training programs to support women and expand their transportation and leadership knowledge. Through new systems and partnerships, WTS will record and disseminate transportation industry diversity data and promote opportunities for improvement.  

Let’s stay connected, inspired to make progress and ready to move forward! 

Wishing you and your family well.  



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Paula Hammond


International Board