Joint Committee Mentorship Program

WTS-LA held a joint mixer for the mentors and mentees from the College Outreach Mentorship and Mid-Career Mentorship Programs on May 17, 2022, at the Double Tree Hotel in Little Tokyo.

This was the first in-person event for the College Outreach Committee since 2020! There was a great turnout by program participants as well as board members.

Several of the College Outreach mentees had recently just graduated, so the mixer served as a great opportunity for recent graduates to mingle and celebrate their recent accomplishments. Headshots taken by the talented Eric Shen were also offered, so keep your eyes peeled for any updated LinkedIn profile pictures!

Thank you to everyone who attended and for the College Outreach and Professional Development Committee for putting this event together. A special shoutout to Nancy Lo, College Outreach Committee member, for taking lead in organizing this event!

Link to more photos. 

WTSLA College Outreach and Mentorship 2022
WTSLA College Outreach and Mentorship 2022