Guest Column - C&S Companies


IDEA Alliance

By Kimberly Fabend, PE, PTOE, ENV SP, Managing Director, Aviation Planning

C&S Companies proudly maintains a strong culture in which employees are comfortable bringing their talents, interests, and creativity to work. C&S’s IDEA Alliance was established in 2020 to be intentional in making progress towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where everyone feels like they belong. The volunteer group developed the IDEA acronym to represent Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness. Part of the group’s efforts involve increasing the number of represented groups in the organization, including women in leadership. C&S also encourages participation in industry organizations, and I’ve been honored to contribute to numerous transportation-related organizations.

Not only has C&S supported my membership and participation in the Institute of Transportation Engineers since joining the firm in 2000, but they also encouraged me to become an active member of the local section and regional district leadership. I was able to serve eight years on the New York Upstate Section Board and on the Northeastern District Board, ultimately serving as the Chair of both. Through my time on these boards, C&S promoted my attendance at quarterly board meetings, participation in annual meetings and conferences, and the development of relationships with leaders in the transportation industry. With C&S’s support and the active, dedicated members of ITE, I was able to forge both professional and personal relationships that have been mutually beneficial to myself and C&S, that will last throughout my career. 

Kim Fabend has over 20 years’ worth of experience and has managed or been involved in myriad aviation planning/engineering, traffic engineering, and transportation planning projects at C&S.