GET TO WORK: The American Jobs Plan and Infrastructure Priorities for the Northeast Region

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On Tuesday, June 8th, WTS Philadelphia was delighted to partner with our neighboring chapters in Greater New York, New Jersey and Delaware for a high-powered panel featuring the dynamic women leading each Department of Transportation in our region.  We were joined by Marie-Therese Dominguez, Commissioner of NYSDOT; Yassmin Gramian, Secretary of PennDOT; Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, Commissioner of NJDOT; and Nicole Majeski, Secretary of DelDOT. Moderated by HNTB’s Emily Gallo, the panel discussed the American Jobs Plan and priorities for funding in our region and within their respective states.

The discussion was spirited and wide ranging - State of good repair efforts will inevitably be a major portion of any funding received, from roads and bridges to public transit. The panel discussed social justice responsibilities that come with spending, and Secretary Gramian mentioned the inherent inequity in our current system and initiatives to ensure we are spending taxpayer dollars equitably across all communities and modes, ensuring we are addressing the needs of historically disadvantaged communities. Secretary Majeski concurred and emphasized that transportation must build and connect communities, not separate and divide, and focus on how transportation can improve quality of life in our area. Commissioner Dominguez noted that we have the opportunity in transportation projects to lift all boats if we take a larger view.

Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti discussed how we can encourage even more participation in our industry by women and underrepresented groups by promoting transportation as more than engineering only and emphasizing that there are opportunities in finance, procurement, and other areas as well. Secretary Majeski discussed difficulty in recruitment in the public sector for women and minority employees, as well as ways to embrace these employees and increase support to encourage retention. Commissioner Dominguez noted that it is important to build up a level of connectedness across levels in your organization to spur dialogue and encourage growth, ensuring employees can see a path forward in the organization.

Finally, the panel discussed the potential opportunities this Plan presents to collaborate with each other across state lines on transformative projects. Secretary Gramian noted ways the panelists have already supported each other through issues from difficulties or shortages, to new initiatives or collaboration to eliminate redundancies between agencies. Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti discussed that this panel has led a new model for collaboration, and it has been and will continue to be critical for success.

All registration proceeds from this outstanding event equally benefitted each Chapter's scholarship program, supporting opportunities for young women pursuing careers in transportation.

Click here for photos from the virtual event!