Event Recap: WTS-Boston 2024 New Member Orientation

Members chat at tables and around the room at this year's New Member orientation

The WTS-Boston 2024 New Member Orientation was held at AECOM's Boston office on May 15. The event was set up like a career fair, with tables for each committee staffed by co-chairs and/or board liaisons. After a brief introduction by Vice President Sarah Bergman, new members were invited to walk around and learn about the various committees. We served sandwiches and salad.

Members chat at tables and around the room at this year's New Member orientation

There were 14 leaders in attendance and 23 new members who have joined WTS-Boston over the past year. This was a free event open to all members, with new members and leadership especially encouraged to attend.  Several new members were appreciative of the smaller, more casual setup, and said it was their first WTS event.  We can’t wait to see you again soon!

New members learn from WTS-Boston leadership about committees at this year's New Member orientation