Digital Butts in Seats: Creating Online Events that Don't Suck

By now, we've all adjusted to Zoom meetings and online events, but are you utilizing technology's potential or was there a scramble to move everything digital with a "Phew! That'll do." attitude? In a survey by HubSpot, only 23% of companies were set up for remote work prior to COVID-19; 51% of companies weren't prepared for remote work at all and had to quickly pivot their in-person strategies. However, online events and in-person events were not created equal. This misunderstanding has led to day-long, butt-numbing virtual conferences, Zoom fatigue, and challenges maintaining team enthusiasm and participation. Sound familiar? With a few simple tips, you can learn the formula for effectively engaging your online community.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Virtual via Zoom

Register Here

Together, we'll discuss:

  • Understanding participant attention: online vs. in-person events
  • Creating memorable and effective content
  • Utilizing the right technology

Warren Buffett once said, "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." In this session, Paige is here to rescue you with a towel.

Paige Malott is digital communications consultant based in Seattle, Washington. For over 15 years, she’s developed and executed strategic social storytelling, video, and virtual events for a range of clients, including global brands, Fortune 500 companies, the public sector, academia, and small businesses. Recently, she has created digital strategies for Amazon.com, APTA, City of Seattle, and Downtown Seattle Association. In addition to consulting, Paige is an online learning facilitator at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with a focus on social media strategy and executive education. A transportation advocate for over 10 years, Paige co-founded Cascadia Rail, a non-profit organization that uses digital communications to educate stakeholders on the benefits of building high speed rail in the Pacific Northwest. She currently serves as Chair of the organization.

This event is free, but please register in advance to receive a link to the meeting.