December 2021 Member Showcase

This month's spotlight is on Brendan Vachris from AECOM. Brendan has been a huge advocate for the local WTS chapter through his involvement at AECOM, and for that we say THANK YOU! Read below to learn a little more about Brendan.

Brendan Vachris

Brendan Vachris


Position/Title at Company - Graduate Transportation Engineer

Hometown - Virginia Beach

When did you join WTS? 2019

Why did you join WTS? I worked with two WTS leaders during my internship, and I was "volunteered" to carry some boxes to one of the events. Ended up having a great time of course and so I joined!

Do you hold a position in WTS HRC or International? What is your role? No I do not hold a position, but I am a student member currently pursuing a Masters degree in Transportation Engineering.

What do you like best about your job? I learn something very real and practical every single day.

Favorite project you have worked on - Rosslyn Tunnel (I-66 in Arlington VA). There is a wacky space between the tunnel ceiling and the park above it, and going inside of it was my first taste of field experience.

How do you like to spend your free time? I enjoy watching UVA basketball.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself. I am a bass player in a band. We're called Bofa feel free to look us up on Spotify or Youtube (shameless plug!)