Collaboration with Men Who Care of Germantown (MWCOG)


On June 4th, TrYOU collaborated with Men Who Care of Germantown (MWCOG) to teach young community members about STEM opportunities. MWCOG is a non-profit community-based organization established to serve and enrich the community in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. The organization strives to enhance the quality of life for those living in the community through outreach.

Our Chapter President, Api Appulingam (PHL), TrYOU Co-Chair Gina Venuto-Gabriella (STV) and mentor, Monica Waits (AECOM), shared their career journey and what they do on a day-to-day basis in the aviation, highway and transit industries, respectively. The students also heard about our TrYOU mentoring program and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with MWCOG!