Coffee Chat with Renée Hamilton, CEO of Dulles Greenway

By Sophie Guiny, WTS-DC

On March 19, 2024, WTS-DC hosted our first event of the year, a coffee chat with Renée Hamilton, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dulles Greenway. Coffee chats are an opportunity for WTS-DC members to meet with transportation leaders in a small group setting and ask questions directly.

We had a very interactive conversation with Renée, who shared insights from her 30+ year career, first with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and now as CEO of a privately-owned toll road. Renée noted that, although the focus is different between public and private sector leadership roles, people skills are critical to both. She stressed the importance of developing relationships across the public and private sectors as well as with elected officials; the relationships she forged throughout her career are essential to her role today.

Renee Hamilton Coffee Chat

Renée shared her experience working with elected officials on shaping projects, and navigating different priorities while keeping a focus on the desired outcome that is best for the community as a whole. Developing trust is critical to the success of major projects. Renée credited her ability to “read the room” and understand people’s motives with helping her build strong relationships.

Relationships and building a strong team are also critical inside an organization. Renée explained that she always saw herself as more of a generalist than a technical expert and therefore intentionally surrounded herself with more technical staff, seeking to identify both the right people for the job and the right job for people that would enable them to grow. Outside of work having a support network is also vital - Renée mentioned how important both her family and her network of strong supportive women have been to her career and life.

WTS-DC thanks Jacobs for hosting us in their Arlington office and providing breakfast!