Breaking Barriers for Passengers with Hidden Disabilities

PHL's Sunflower Lanyard

All modes of transportation strive to increase customers, enhance their experience, and minimize barriers to using their systems.  In recognition of National Autism Awareness Day, we are spotlighting efforts that our local transportation entities have undertaken to do just that.

Philadelphia International Airport

In early 2021, Philadelphia International Airport launched the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard program to raise awareness and increase accessibility for people with non-visible disabilities. This program helps PHL staff and others identify when support may be needed for those with disabilities such as memory loss, anxiety, or other conditions that may not be immediately obvious. With its roots in the UK, the “sunflower scheme” is starting to be recognized in various airports in the United States. Moving forward, people may be able to take the lanyards from one destination to the next to continue to raise awareness. More info is found here


In recognition of National Autism Awareness Day, officials from SEPTA and the Elwyn Institute have formed a partnership to spread awareness about support services available to riders and SEPTA employees affected by Autism. Since 1852, the Elwyn Institute has worked to enrich the quality of life for individuals with diverse challenges.  In Phase 1 of the partnership, SEPTA employees will be provided with resources to observe the signs and symptoms of autism in their families and their communities and offer information on available resources for individuals with autism. In Phase 2, SEPTA will highlight Elwyn’s resources to the public through informational signage on vehicles and at stations. Phase 3 will focus on partnering with outside groups to provide training and pathways to SEPTA careers for individuals with intellectual disabilities. More info is found here!