Join us as Stantec presents on Supporting a National Automated Vehicle Testing Framework: The New England Perspective and McFarland Johnson presents on the Hartford, VT Roundabout Project. See below for more details.

Supporting a National Automated Vehicle Testing Framework: The New England Perspective (Greg Goyette, Greg Rodriquez, Virginia Reeder and Joe Segale) – Stantec Sponsor Spotlight
In 2019, Vermont passed the Automated Vehicle Testing Act. As part of the Act, the Vermont Agency of Transportation became the lead agency for developing a permit process and accompanying guidance for the testing of automated vehicles (AVs). Vermont does not have perfect roads—the State counts 7,151 miles of paved roads, 6,008 miles of gravel roads, and 1,590 miles of graded earth roads. Add to that challenging weather and aging and rural populations, and Vermont becomes a perfect place to ensure that AVs can operate successfully and reliably.

In developing Vermont’s framework, several important issues emerged - How to address safety as standards are still evolving? How to modernize insurance and liability models to promote deployment partnerships? What is the right level of data reporting? How to manage law enforcement and local coordination? What is the role of the public in testing and deployment?

In addition to presenting the development of Vermont’s AV testing framework, the session will also discuss the preliminary findings of the ongoing New England Transportation Consortium research project focused on the development of a policy and regulatory framework supporting regional operation of AVs across state lines. The panel will also discuss key takeaways that can benefit other communities exploring AV deployment frameworks, as well as suggestions for developing a national testing strategy that promotes public and private partnerships, including through the work of the Eastern Transportation Coalition.

A key focus of the discussion will be the needed collaboration across all sectors to strengthen confidence in AV technology to improve mobility in our communities and needed policy, regulatory, and risk considerations as national safety standards are developed.

Hartford Roundabout Project (Steve Ireland) - McFarland Johnson Sponsor Spotlight
A need for safety improvements (both for vehicles and pedestrians) led to the design and construction of two roundabouts in Hartford VT. The project has taken nearly 24 years to complete facing numerous obstacles including staff changes, funding delays (resulting from Tropical Storm Irene impacts) and ultimately a global pandemic. McFarland Johnson will describe the challenges the project encountered from inception through Construction and the solutions that have allowed the project to enter its final few months of construction activities in the Spring of 2024.

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