Join us for a webinar featuring the FTA's Pilot Program for Equity & Environmental Justice Planning for Transit Oriented Development.

FTA's Pilot Program for TOD Planning, supports their mission of improving America’s communities and their local public transportation systems by providing funding for integrating land use and transportation planning. The comprehensive planning that is conducted and funded through this program looks for ways to:

  • Enhance economic development, ridership, multimodal connectivity, accessibility, and transit access for pedestrians and bicycle traffic
  • Engage the private sector and encourage sound investment strategies
  • Identify related infrastructure needs, and
  • Enable more effective mixed-use development near transit facilities.

We are excited to have Ms. McLean-McCoy, FTA’s Program Manager for this pilot program, as she will provide an overview of the TOD Pilot Program, the Office of Planning and Environment’s departmental objectives as outlined in the FY23 NOFO (such as the 100% federal support for applications with a substantial focus on affordable housing), and how the program is advancing equitable TOD and supporting environmental justice communities.