Calling All WTS-Boston Members!

Our Annual Membership Celebration is back in-person, and it is an event you won't want to miss! Please join us at Carrie Nation on November 3rd to meet new people, reconnect with friends, and chat with WTS leadership and seasoned professionals.

Thursday, November 3, 2022
Carrie Nation Cocktail Club
11 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108
6:00pm - 8:00pm

The evening will include appetizers, a complimentary drink ticket,* and a new WTS-Boston gift. Plus, we will hold a drawing to close out our October Membership Drive, with gift card prizes for lucky new members and members who submitted referrals.

Not a member yet? Now is a great time to join, during our October Membership Drive! Check out the benefits of joining WTS-Boston, then join WTS-Boston to be able to attend this celebration event. Additionally, we encourage everyone to refer friends and colleagues using our Referral Form. Anyone who joins during this year's October Membership Drive** will receive free entry to the Membership Celebration (with event registration). Event registration will close on Tuesday, November 1.


*Student-member registrations are free but do not include a drink ticket (so you don't need to be 21+ to attend). Cash bar is available to everyone 21+ for additional drinks.

**Expired members who rejoin during the Membership Drive are eligible for free entry to this event if previous membership lapsed in 2021 or earlier.
