See you soon at our WTS Southwest Idaho and Spokane/Coeur d'Alene joint program! Virtual Lunch & Learn - Port of Lewiston

Port of Lewiston

This is a FREE joint presentation with the WTS Southwest Idaho and WTS Spokane/Coeur d'Alene chapters! Join us virtually Thursday, September 26th at 12:00 MT and learn more about the Port of Lewiston--the most inland Port on the west coast. The Port of Lewiston is a public organization serving the citizens of Nez Perce County as an economic development district, intermodal transportation center, facilitator of international trade, and advocate for the preservation of the Lower Snake River Dams. General Manager Scott Corbitt will teach us more about this unique seaport in Idaho. Register now!

Learn more about Scott Corbitt:

Scott Corbitt

Scott Corbitt joined the Port of Lewiston as General Manager in June 2022. The General Manager is responsible for the operations of the Port and answers to the three members of the Port Commission. He provides leadership and supervision to the staff and advises the Commissioners on the economic development activities of the Port. Scott has a Bachelor of Science degree in biological oceanography from the University of Washington and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Montana. He was the navigator of a destroyer in the US Navy, a litigation attorney, a human resources manager, a university relations manager, and an economic developer prior to joining the Port team. He is married with two adult kids, one a recent grad of the University of Idaho and one a sophomore in college.