Calling all WTS members! Join us for a virtual conversation about Anna Letitia Zivarts's book "When Driving is Not an Option."

Attendees should plan to purchase or borrow the book, read it before September 12 and come ready to discuss. Moderated by hosts Alissa Torres and Felipe Andres Monsalve.

In the book, Zivarts shows that it is critical to include people who can’t drive in transportation planning decisions. She outlines steps that organizations can take to include and promote leadership of those who are most impacted—and too often excluded—by transportation systems designed by and run by people who can drive. The book ends with a checklist of actions that you, as an individual living in a car-dependent society, can take in your own life to help all of us move beyond automobility.

The book can be purchased on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/When-Driving-Not-Option-Dependency/dp/1642833150

wtscfl book club