• In-Person Training Capacity: 30, Online Training Capacity: 30
  • A waitlist option will be provided if all spots are filled.

CO WTS and CO/WY ITE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committees have partnered to host the Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions in the Transportation Industry Training with Culture Energized (DEI Consultant).

The interactive training will be focused on our experience in the transportation industry as planners, engineers, architects, technicians, public administrators, etc; but is welcome to any industry professionals! There will be a dedicated facilitator for the online attendees and a separate facilitator for in-person.

In this introductory training, we will be shining a light on microaggressions. Without awareness and tools to help us address these moments, they can impact the physiological safety, productivity, and, ultimately, retention of employees. It's not about walking on eggshells when addressing microaggressions. We are all capable of committing them. Thus it is an essential skill to practice addressing them when they occur. Through our interactive exercises, discussions, and scenarios, you will learn more about different types of microaggressions, how they differ from regular rude comments and explore different entry points to addressing them. An open mind and willingness to share your experiences are recommended for all participants.

March 2nd, 2023

11:30 AM Lunch

12-2 PM Training

Colorado Center, Rooftop Terrace

2000 S Colorado Blvd, Tower 3

Denver, 80222

Pricing information

In-person with Lunch: $25/person

Virtual option: $15/person

Register Now - https://tinyurl.com/DEIMicroaggressions

Thank you to Wilson & Co for sponsoring this Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions Training!

This in-person event is subject to state and local COVID-19 protocols. Registrants will be notified ahead of time if any details change.