WTSLA Prof Dev July 2021

WTS Members-Only Professional Development Program

Interactive workshop on how to take control of your career and prepare for your next big move.

July 29, 2021
12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.
Via Zoom

Led by Vistage International Master Chair and Executive Coach Beth Adkisson and HNTB Vice President and Toll Market Practice Leader Greg Hulsizer, this interactive workshop will focus on how to take control of your career and prepare for your next big move.

A combination of presentations, personal exercises, and breakout sessions will be used to identify where you are now, where you would like to go, and how to take control of your career path with “intentionality.”

WTS-LA Mentorship program participants will received a promo code for the event.

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WTSLA Prof Dev 2021