Join WTS Puget Sound's Stride BRT Panel Discussion

Stride BRT Panel Discussion

Sound Transit's Stride bus rapid transit (BRT) will be a fast, frequent, and reliable bus service connecting to Link light rail and to communities north, east, and south of Lake Washington. Like light rail service, Stride is designed for convenient, fast travel, with off-board fare payment and multiple-door entry and exit. This high-capacity transit system includes new bus lanes and transit priority improvements.

The Stride program will feature three bus lines: S1, S2, and S3. These lines will replace three existing ST Express bus lines, which were originally planned to fill a transit gap until regional services like Stride could be built.

  • $25.00 for General Admission
  • $15.00 for Students/DBE/WMBE/Public Agency
Contact Information

Contact Qingyang Xie at [email protected] or MarySue Abel at [email protected] with any questions about the event.

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