Mar. 8 | Dismantling Barriers for Women of Color in the Workplace
Join us on International Women’s Day for a facilitated discussion on how employers can better support and advance women of color in the workplace within the transportation industry.
The WTS San Francisco Bay Area Chapter’s 2020 Glass Ceiling Task Force Benchmarking Study found that women of color still lag behind their white counterparts in representation in senior management positions. In addition, women of color were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and had a higher likelihood of being laid off, leading to stalled careers and financial instability.
We invite you to participate in a confidential group discussion with colleagues in both the private and public sectors to further examine the challenges that women of color face in regards to breaking the glass ceiling in the workplace. We will also evaluate how WTS and the broader transportation industry can continue to create more inclusive environments and address the systemic barriers that are preventing women of color from advancing in their careers.
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 5:30 pm
Where: Jacobs, 4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 3800,
San Francisco, CA 94111
Cost: $55 Members; $70 Non-Members
$25 Students or Unemployed
Not a WTS member or membership lapsed? Join or renew today!
Food: Refreshments provided
RSVP by Friday, March 3, 2023 via Eventbrite
Schedule of Events
5:30-6:00 pm Networking
6:00-6:30 pm Opening Remarks by Bisa Grant, CEO of ANCHOR
6:30-7:30 pm Facilitated Group Discussions + Closing Remarks
Bisa is President and CEO of ANCHOR, a municipal construction and project management company located in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an MBA entrepreneur and business strategist who worked her way up from the ground floor at ANCHOR and landed at Vice President before acquiring the company in 2021. As former Vice President of ANCHOR, Bisa succeeded in helping to grow the firm by more than 300% over a 7-year period. Currently, she is spearheading new growth of the organization across new markets with the 5-year goal of accessing over $100M in new revenue opportunities while enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion across all areas of business. To accomplish these goals, she is using aggressive business strategies, including networking with new private clientele, building new smart partnerships and tapping into new talent pools. Bisa is a former professional and collegiate All-American track and field athlete. She is a Bishop O'Dowd High School, UCLA and Cal State Dominguez Hills alum. She is a wife and a proud mother of four beautiful girls.
For questions, please contact Doris Lee at [email protected].